“Electrically tuneable exciton‐polaritons through free electron doping in monolayer WS2 microcavities”
H. A. Fernandez, F. Withers, S. Russo and W. L. Barnes
Advanced Optical Materials 7 1900484 (2019)
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“Hybridization of multiple vibrational modes via strong coupling using confined light fields”
K. S. Menghrajani, H. A. Fernandez, G. R. Nash and W. L. Barnes
Advanced Optical Materials 7 1900403 (2019)
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“Strong light-matter coupling in carbon nanotubes as a route to exciton brightening”
V. Shahnazaryan, V. A. Saroka, I. A. Shelykh, W. L. Barnes and M. E Portnoi
ACS Photonics 6 904 (2019)
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“Nanoscale design of the local density of optical states”
M. Sandro, S. Vezzoli, S. Horsley, W. L. Barnes, S. Maier, and R. Sapienza
Nano Letters 19 1613 (2019)
pdf, arXiv, repository-version, supp-info
“Realizing an ultra-wideband backward-wave metamaterial waveguide”
S. S. Seetharaman, B. Tremain, W. L. Barnes, and I. R. Hooper
pdf, repository-version, research-data
“Investigation of the coupling between tunable split-ring resonators”
M. Baraclough, I. R. Hooper and W. L. Barnes
pdf, repository-version, research-data
“Special Issue on “Strong Coupling of Molecules to Cavities” ”
W. L. Barnes, F. J. García-Vidal, J, Aizpurua
pdf, repository-version
“Manipulating type-I and type-II Dirac polaritons in cavity-embedded honeycomb metasurfaces”
C-R Mann, T. J. Sturges, G. Weick, W. L. Barnes and E. Mariani
Nature Communications 9, 2194 (2018)
pdf, research-data, supp-info
“Plasmonic surface lattice resonances: a review of properties and applications”
V. G. Kravets, A. V. Kabashin, W. L. Barnes and A. N. Grigorenko
Chemical Reviews 118, 5912 (2018)