

Henry Fernandez and Bill Barnes spent the day at the Diamond Light source (a synchrotron in the UK) to carry out come circular dichroism measurements. We are working with Dan Pantos and Dora Rasadean (University of Bath) to explore chrial dye molecules for both weak...
Hybrid Polaritonics

Hybrid Polaritonics

I have joined a UK project, “Hybrid Polaritonics” as an advisor. This EPSRC-funded programme grant is devoted to using excitons from organic and inorganic origins. My first meeting was in Sheffield, so an early start before sunrise. A very impressive project so far,...
Special Issue

Special Issue

Special issue of ACS Photonics published today, “Strong Coupling of Molecules to Cavities”. Together with Francisco Garcia Vidal and Javier Aizpurua I guest-edited this special issue, based on the workshop we held in San Sebastian, SCOM16. The special issue can be...
Incredible Optical Cavity

Incredible Optical Cavity

Truly impressive optical cavity. Today I was lucky to visit the European Gravity Observatory (VIRGO) just outside Pisa, Italy. The recent observation of a neutron star merger via gravity waves (of which VIRGO was a part) and via electromagnetic radiation has been a...