

One of the important classes of molecules we want to work with are known as J-aggregates. These molecules are a hang-over from the days of colour photography. We are interested in them because they consist of aggregates of dye molecules in which the individual...
World highlight

World highlight

Our prior work on weak coupling, “A molecular Route to Nanophotonics” is highlighted by the Optical Society for all (OSA), one of 30 projects world-wide to be highlighted of 2017 in the OSA’s journal Optics and Photonics News.  
First Photmat group meeting

First Photmat group meeting

We held our first group meeting today, now that our forts project postdoc has joined us. From left to right the people are: Milo Baraclough, Kishan Menghrajani, Philip Thomas, Bill Barnes and Henry Fernandez.  
New Lab

New Lab

We have taken over a new lab to set up our piezo-controlled microcavity set-up. This system will be a key part of our research into strong coupling at visible frequencies. Henry Fernandez (shown) will use this system to investigate the effect of strong coupling on...